
About Me

I am a father, husband, cook and engineer living in Indianapolis, IN

This site

Adding some blog posts for information that I don’t otherwise share on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. A mixture of technology, travel, and cooking, which hopefully serves as a bit of a “journal”, as well as some experience in self-hosting. Hosted using Jekyll, DigitalOcean and nginx.


You can follow our adventures on Mastodon and Instagram. I’m a graduate of DePauw University (Computer Science) and a member of Phi Delta Theta. I was a member of the swim team and still swim on occasion. Originally I’m from Mt. Vernon, OH (Go Bucks).

I enjoy cooking with the Big Green Egg, and recently got into Sous Vide. Big fan of Alton Brown and J. Kenji Lopez-Alt.


I currently work at Salesforce, as a Software Architect on the Messaging platform. In previous lives I worked at an educational technology startup DyKnow. I’ve been in both management and pure engineering roles.

Currently I’m working on a cloud native AWS / Java stack, previously having spent time in the .NET / C# / SQL Server world.